Monday, February 6, 2012

The S L O W road to success

Child-Acting is fun...but not glamorous.  It is work.  It is worry.  It is Managers of ingenuity meeting up with Masters of Industry and it is an exceptional child that plants their seed in the minds of those who will hire her.  They will not adore her, but respect her and the process.  They are the consummate professionals.  I feel humbled being in their world.  We just work at it every day and do our best to be where we need to.

Annika's first tv commercial has been aired on channel 12/WPRI in RI.  I have not yet seen it and neither has she!  Our friends have seen it!  I am glued to the tv watching for it.  I know it is probably a beautiful commercial.  I am glad her first appearance in a tv ad is for a good cause and not for a product.  It will not always be that way, but I place a lot of trust in the universe to deliver the right jobs and the right time and the right people...all for her best outcome. 

Everyday I am grateful to be on this journey.  Everyday I wonder how will we...when will we...where will we...and then I surrender it.  I do not have all the resources I need to make every detail come together seamlessly for Annika and for her career but I have not let that stop me!  I will not let that stop me.

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