Friday, February 10, 2012

Finding Jobs in BeanTown

If you are not from around here, Beantown is Boston.

Ok, so the Agents called us Tuesday for this Casting Opportunity Thursday.  I run a daycare and Thursday is the day that ALL the kids are here and I have no assistant.  SO...I get on the phone and start making calls.  I manage to get her Dad to stay home with our son and one other child and I change the schedule of two other children and then I have my afternoon pickup arrive early.  Now Dad had to get Annika from school on his way home.  DONE

Tuesday afternoon, following that call, Annika shot a Music Video for BattleShip Ball at Hasbro Children's Hospital.  She made he first friend in the acting world, a girl named Emily!  I was so happy because I had seen Emily a few places before and then she appeared in the commercial with Annika.  They were able to be in the music video together!  After 2 hours of dancing, we went home tired.  Annika still had to complete homework, her ALAP Honors project which she happens to be writing about "Acting".

Thursday I felt like a truck hit me by tired, and sore throat.  Not many people know this about me but I have CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  I used to let it hold me back from trying to be more busy and active but now, I just face the symptoms as they arise, which they did...Thursday.  I became a whiny, miserable nag about the drive to Boston and complained that no one understood how hard I work for Annika's Acting Opportunities.  POOR ME.  I wish I could take it all back now, but I was "set off" when Annika was moving slowly in preparing to leave.  Anyway...we finally got in the car at 2:15pm and her Casting Call was at 4:30pm in Back Bay Boston.

I found a decent parking spot at about 3:30 and Annika and I could not believe how fast we got there.  Looking back, it was fortunate we had arrived eary because we signed-in early, did a headshot, read the script and had the opportunity to see the Director before he left for a late lunch.  Had we arrived after 4, we would not have seen him!  It was Jonathan...the Director from her Common Core Job!  I said hello to him by name and asked if he remembered Annika and he did.  He explained that the video she created had been "shelved, possibly for good" because the project was not being funded now."  He said we may be able to see it at some point if we come to his office.

Annika announced she loved Boston, after we left the Audition.  She loves the Bigness of the City, the Buildings, the people and the sounds.  I have to admit, I love it too. We added a few quarters to the meter and grabbed a sandwich before leaving town.  It was fun to relax.

The drive back was as quick as the drive out, and NO STRESS.  What had I been so uptight for?  I didn't even know.  Why was I so edgy?  I had no idea!  It was a great day and from the sound of it, Annika nailed her part so now comes the odious task of choosing from all those wonderful kids!  We had a few great chats in the waiting room.  We met some other wonderful young actors and their parents. 

I really do love what we are doing.  I want to do it more...fill more of my time with it.  I hope for Annika's sake, she gets a movie role in 2012!

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