Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Children's Theatre

Wanting to Act is one thing, but discovering your specialty takes time. 
 Annika and I frequently are asked about what type of Acting she desires to get into.  My dream for Annika would be for her to pursue THEATRE...a noble and historical form of performing and one to which I feel a kindred nature.  My daughter however, does not share my to speak.  She is nearly ten years old and has not had the exposure I have to musical theatre nor has she developed any taste for it.  It feels like it is an art form that is losing it's following.  I realize that in many places around the country live theatre (like Broadway) are fully operational and draw plenty of audience.  Here in Rhode Island for example, as I have blogged about before, we do have some wonderful local theatre.  Rhode Island College and University of Rhode Island also both offer great shows.  There are several wonderful Children't Theatre groups here, like Kaleidescope and Theatre by the Sea, as well as Trinity Rep.  I would love to see Annika get more involved with any one of these.  But first things first, there needs to be developed a LOVE of interest in it.

Going into her fourth grade year, Annika was unaware that she would be placed under the direct tutelage of the perfect lady, Mrs. Anita Boyd.  Annika's school is full of lovely and bright educators.  In fact, district-wise, Annika's particular school is highly desired by Warwick Teachers!  And so, on her first day of fourth grade, she met the woman who would change her course, her destiny.  You see, as a Law-of-Attraction believer, I had spent my summer pursuing avenues where Annika could gain instruction and training in theatre and Stage-Acting.  More importantly I applied faith and certainty to the fact that she would soon receive what she needed in this way!

The jobs she has worked through her Talent Agency have been on camera, and in a production setting like that, you can be a soft-spoken actress and still give a performance with great impact.  After all, that is what microphones are for!  But when you do live theatre, it's a totally different animal.  When I met Mrs. Boyd at the School Open House, I liked her straight away.  She had a no-nonsense air about her and a sweet nature.  She also came across as being tremendously intelligent and caring.
Annika with Mrs. Boyd at the Auditions

A month after that first meet, Annika had circulated a petition and brought it to her school principal, Ms. Dambruch.  the petition was to request a drama club for the elementary school.  A month after her petition, Mrs. Boyd and another teacher decided to take the lead on producing a school play!  Only grades 4-6 were allowed to audition.  The play would be the beloved story by Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach!  Mrs. Boyd had informed me upon our first meeting that her own daughter had been involved in a lot of theatre and that this was a passion of hers (Mrs. Boyd's).  She wasn't sure if they would be able to make it happen, after all, school teachers these days wear a LOT of hats!  But happily, it was all coming together!

Auditions proceeded and were amazing...WoW the talent there at Annika's School!  Our very close friend David also tried out and was cast in the lead role of JAMES!  What an amazing honor!  And to my knowledge there was no one more worthy to play the part.  David is an excellent reader, writer and actor.  He listens and picks up on cues well.  He is extrmely bright, imaginative, innocent and charismatic.  As an Actor, David has a way of really bringing out the subtle emotion of James.  Annika was cast in a major role also, as the LADYBUG!  She is delighted!  She has a natural softness and motherliness about her and this what Ladybug is in the play.  The cast will begin rehearsing in December of 2011 and will have the production in late May 2012.

Annika's Agent, Andrew at Model club, was so proud of Annika.  He hopes to be able to come down in person and see her perform.  Playing the role of Ladybug will be an excellent way for her to get the practice, exposure and experience that she needs to perform in a theatrical way.  I continue to look for training and one-on-one teaching for her to become a more well-rounded theatrical performer, but this will certainly help the process.  The only other experience Annika has with this is from my Home Daycare, YGA.  Each year, on the Friday at the end of April vacation, the children produce a Talent Show.  This April is our 3rd Annual YGA Talent Show.  Here are some photos from last years' show:

David Yabut and Annika both have been putting on Theatrical Performances together for a few years now.  They formed a band last year with their friend from these photos, Nicolas...they called the band Oceanside.  For the reason of artistic differences, Oceanside is currently not together, but the three friends, all who meet regularly at my house and daycare, YGA, are gaining a lot of exposure to theatre by producing this show each year.  Nicolas is our show's Director and offers great insight on props, sets and costumes. 

So now, the gang will have 2 great theatrical events next Spring.  Winter will be a lot of work, but then the shows will really be great!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interview with a Celebrity Actors Camp alum

Annika M. Salgado attended Celebrity Actors Camp (Cac) in Providence RI in February 2011.

Since attending the camp, Annika has been signed on for representation with Model Club Inc. of Boston Massachusetts.  Over the summer of 2011, Annika was hired for 2 acting jobs through Model Club.  She travels the Boston and RI area for Acting Auditions.  Locally, in Providence RI there is a wonderful theatre called Trinity Repertoiry Theatre.  Every winter, Trinity Rep and Cardi's furniture put on a production of "Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens.  Annika was going to audition but was ill for the audition dates and we did decide to pass for this year, sadly.

Since completing camp, Annika has continued her Acting Training by taking an Improv course at The Artists Exchange of Cranston RI.  This was a 6 week course.  Presently she is playing a lead role in her elementary school production of "James and the Giant Peach", by Roald Dahl.  Today, we conducted an interview with Annika to ask her some questions that her fans and friends, and blog readers, may like to know about her.

Name:  Annika Marina Salgado
Age:  9 years and 11 months old.


1.  How would you describe your family life?
My family consists of my dad and mom and 3 year old brother.  My extended family includes 2 older sisters.  We travel a lot as a family; visitng my sister in New York and going on vacations.  We like to go to amusement parks as a family, although I do not like fast rides.  I prefer sleeping in cabins (like in New Hampshire) or tents, and hiking and having a campfire.

2.  What are your mom and dad's parenting style? 

My parents are strict with me.  I have chores and they set restrictions and limitations on everything, like my schoolwork, tv time and internet usage.  I realize that they are helping to promote a healthy lifestyle for me.  Some of my friends' parents are not as strict.  At least when mom gets angry, she explains things calmly to me and allows me to learn.

3.  What are your favorite subjects in school and why?

I excel at math.  I can figure out problems really well.  In fact, that is why I was selected to be in ALAP.  I also do well in Social Studies.  I think it is my ability to memorize what I read.  It benefits me in Acting too!

4.  What inspires you?

Well, I was inspired to be an Actress.  I liked playing "cameraman and interviewer".  Then one day I heard a radio commercial saying to audition for Disney, and I told Mom.  A few weeks later, she heard the same commercial and called and made the audition spot.  I was inspired because although I felt nervous, I was more excited then nervous.  I felt comfortable "on stage".  I look forward to travelling and learning new scripts.

5.  What organization or activity are you the most proud to be a part of?

I am proud of ALAP, YGA Talent Show we produce every year, volunteering at my elementary school and I hope to join the school Safety Patrol Program when I reach the 6th Grade.

6.  Do you have a Celebrity muse?  Tell us about them.

I Love Selena because she is beautiful inside and out!  I admire that she sings and Acts!

7.  What are your future plans as an Actress?

Just like my favorite Disney actress, Selena Gomez, I would like to be able to have a tv series so I can be on a set...the same set...everyday for 12 seasons! 
(12 is my lucky number)

8.  Tell us how Celebrity Actors Camp has changed your life?

I loved being one of the few kids chosen from my area to participate in CAC!  First of all I felt special.  I loved meeting Adrian R'Mante.  He has a magnetic personality!  It was really exciting to have Matthew Timmons as one of the Celebrity Camp Teachers because he was on break from shooting in his Disney tv series, The Suite Life on Deck.  I mean, I went home and saw him on tv every night!  It was really exciting!  The best thing is that CAC taught me the most important and valuable thing I would need for my career, which is HOW to audition and make the right impression.  Just like an adult job interview, there is a Right way to make a good impression and be remembered.  At the end of camp, the campers participate in a Showcase where they are seen and heard by Talent Agents.  That was how I got signed to an agent.

9.  What is your opinion about the Movie and Tv Industry?

Most people would agree that the Movie and tv Industry is competitive.  I choose to see it as work.  I am willing to work!  Those young people who succeed need to be mature.

10.  What agency represents you?

Model Club Inc of Boston.  My favorite Agent is Andrew.

11.  What Acting jobs have you gotten with your Agency?

I have had 2 jobs so far,
1.  Phillips Magnavox, an Internal training video where I recited my lines in front of a green screen.
2.  Houghton Mifflin Publishers webcommercial for Common Core.

I have had about 20 auditions and 2 jobs!

12.  What advice would you give young people who want to get involved in Acting?

Being a kid and an Actor is challenging.  I am lucky to have parents who coach me and get me the training I need to succeed.  I know that actors sometimes do not get every role they want, but for me, I focus on loving what I am doing and I know the right roles will come to me (or I will be drawn to them).

Thank you Annika! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Little Break, Big Theatre!

I love using the Law of Attraction, and relying on what our thoughts can bring.  Our confidence, and belief can produce anything...Annika knows this.  She knows this deeply.  ANNIKA KNOWS THIS.  Annika is a great manifestor of good.

Annika has moments of greatness that are SO great they are Divine!  She can turn and face a camera and come to life.  She can cry and make your heart bleed.  She can scold you in anger and make you feel broken for days.  She is POWERFUL.  I love this child.

At Robertson Elementary School, here in Warwick RI, things have been happening.  The school is going to have a production of James and the Giant Peach , a musical play written by Roald Dahl.  Annika's fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Anita Boyd is the person responsible for bringing this event to be.  Annika had a small hand in it since her Acting career has caused a little stir among the students at the school and now there are many who are eager to get involved.

AUDITIONS for the play happened this past Tuesday and today (Thursday), students received their callback slips.  Annika was thrilled to receive hers and more importantly, she received high praise from her beloved Mrs. Boyd.  I believe the exact words were, "You are a wonderful singer"...a compliment my daughter will cherish A.L.W.A.Y.S.  ~Thank you Mrs. Boyd~ you wonderful lady.

Annika on stage to Read a Monologue and Sing for her Audition

Annika DID help create that "buzz" at school...she even petitioned the principal, Ms. Dambuch.  She had 45 signatures of kids who wanted a Drama club!  And because the Law of Attraction was hard at work, they not only have that, they have a production underway!  Glorious day!  Last year, when Annika first started to get consistent audition/casting calls, I wrote to Ms. Dambruch (I wanted it in writing for her permanent file), explaining that Annika would have early leaves and some absences due to this venture.  In that letter I went on to explain that Annika was passionate about using her work as an Actress to benefit the school.  That was last May.  Look at us now.

Annika (cheerleader) at Halloween 2011

Since the start of the 2011-2012 school year...aka Annika's fourth grade year, So many good things have happened.  Easily and effortlessly and by making a Declaration of purpose, Annika and I have manfiested many personal dreams.  One of my goals was to finally get involved with the PTO and be more tied in at Annika's school.  Already since the start of the year, Annika and I have volunteered together with the PTO for a full day event.  We met with a family from school to see if we can do a Musical Project together.  Annika is going to be one of the Leads in her School Production and I have volunteered to help in any way needed.  Also, Annika is an ALAP student and we have been to 2 extracurricular functions for ALAP.  This may be "all in a regular week" for some (AMAZING) Mothers and kids...but for Annika and me, it has been a matter of faith.  We finally have faith in each other, our community and faith in the power of LOVE (without which, none of these things would matter)
Annika with Hailey (Cravings), our server from Crystal Lake/Daly's wedding

Annika with her HairDresser, Savann Yun.

Something I really am trying to teach my daughter...with lessons, words and by to live her life purposefully and always LOVE people.  I have seen her do this time and time again.  She genuinely loves people and cares to learn about them and build a connection with them.  If Annika never becomes a Disney Channel Star, she will still always be a STAR.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Nine-year olds and friendship

My nine-year old, Annika M Salgado, is an extraordinary kid!  Since she was only a year old, she has had a social circle...friends.  Now at nine, Annika still has a large social circle and receives recognition often from adults too!  Annika is an Actress through and through.  Also, Annika loves to serve and support.  Being that I am a Social person and understand the importance of networking, my daughter Annika has become my shadow.  I think this is good for Annika.  From a young age she is already learning the importance of relationships...all kinds of relationships.

There are some really important people in Annika's life:  Her sisters and her brother, close friends, schoolmates and her dad and me.  Part of Annika's development as a fourth grader, is acceptance of change and the possibility that people change.  When our friends change this can sometimes leave us feeling a little empty or lost.  Annika has experienced this a little over the last 12 months of her life.  For better or worse though, she has one friend who has always remained constant...Nicolas.

Friendships go through a lot and Annika has had some challenges at school and on the bus and sometimes had problems just getting along with kids here at the house and in the daycare.  She is fiery...demanding.  But on her best days, Annika is delightfully generous and warm-hearted.  She comes home from school and embraces the little ones with love and affection.  I even get a hug sometimes!  I love when I get a hug.  But besides me and her dad and sisters, Annika's biggest fan is her closest and oldest friend Nicolas.

Annika also loves her friends David and Ally who come after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  The four of them together and with Lex have a great time playing and making up shows and dances and games!  As a Mother, and as ANNIKA's MOTHER, I believe this is very good for her development...having to share her space and her Mom and her time each day.  Some days she is not in the mood...but most of the time she does really well.  She would be incredibly lonely without these friends!

Nicolas helped create their band, Oceanside (with David Yabut)

Oceanside perform at YGA 2nd Annual Talent Show in April 2011 (Nicolas lead singer)

Nicolas, David Yabut and Annika with neighbors Haylee and Faith in Summer 2011

Annika's baby brother Lex with David and Ally Yabut and Nicolas and Annika

Nicolas and Annika at ages 4 and 5 with Original Daycare group, Haleigh and TJ

Nicolas Abatemarco over the Summer 2011
10 years old
Outside of Annika's Childcare and school circle, she has Darien.  Darien is also a very special friend and someone who is always there for her and supports her honestly.  He watched out for her.  Annika considers Darien to be like a brother..often referring to him as a half-brother.  I admire her for her warmth and her openness with regards to her family.  Much like with Nicolas, whom she sometimes calls a brother, Darien has been in her life a long time.

Annika will come to years go on...the value of having relationships with people who have known you your whole life.  They can answer questions you have as you get older.  This is something I do not have...never had.  Perhaps keeping these Blogs is my way of recording it so that Annika and Lex can reflect later.

Another very importnat relationship in Annika's life is with her Girlfriends!  She has plenty of them and she loves them dearly!

Mama and Annika in Annika's daycare...where I was the Lead teacher in her classroom...because I can never be away from my babies...nope, I cannot...I just can;t do it.