Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to face rejection cheerfully

It is a fact of life in the world of Acting, Modeling and Theatre.  There will be many "no's".  There will be many yeses too.  Unfortunately, long periods of rejection can become tiresome and create a weary soul.  My daughter Annika is 9 years old, and has only been "Performing" since February 2011.  Because of her lack of experience and newness to this, it can be difficult to not get the role on any given tryout.  She has had several great experiences and I keep reminding her that this is good.  I help her to gain  and maintain perspective.  This task requires repetition but is what I must do as her parent and her manager. I check-in with her regularly to gauge if she is handling things properly mentally.  Her mental wellness is absolutely imperative to the condition of her success, and I know this very well!  Therefore, I must re-fuel her mentally from time to time and always know how she feels and what she is thinking.  When necessary, we must recharge those batteries.

As in all areas of life, Annika is aware that she must tune into the Law of Attraction and remember to use it for her and not against her.  She is very wise and capable of manifesting things.  She has done it in other areas of her life.  It is not surprising to me that it would be a bit more challenging to manifest in this area of her life because regardless of her natural confidence, she has some insecurities that she must overcome.  Her method for doing this, and what we work on together each night is to allow positive thoughts to be her guide to sleep.  There is no TV until you fall asleep for her...instead after a tuck-in, I ask her a series of questions about her dreams and desires.  When needed, I remind her to visualize her specific desires and see herself in the vision.  From where she sleeps, Annika has a clear view of her Vision Board.  The Vision Board is also there for the purpose of reminding and a tool to use as she gives thanks each night.  Having faith in The Law of Attraction and the power of Positive Thinking, is perhaps the most essential lesson I have ever taught my child or ever will.

I recently wrote on my personal Blog about the power in counting our blessings.  It is a great way to change a negative feeling or mood and prevent a negativity spiral from starting.  I call it a negativity spiral when one negative thought or feeling takes hold and seems to never let go.  It cannot stop without effort, and this is something that a lot of people either do not know or do not practice.  I tell Annika all the time to be positive and to avoid negative people and negative words.  She is very sensitive to the influence of music and the lyrics.  If songs talk about death, dying, losing or being a loser or hatred of any sort, she will not listen to those songs.  While I myself have no problem singing along, Annika prefers not to draw things to her that she feels the lyrics may do.  I love that she is so sensitive to these types of influences.  She reminds me!

The reverse of avoiding negative is that you must turn the thought around completely and find your happy thought.  I call this counting your blessings.  Annika works hard at this and she does very well.  One thing we have been focusing on this month is just realizing where she came from and how she came to this journey in the first place.  In early February we were nowhere near this  Direction...and in a very short period of time, we had found ourselves on this Path and have been enjoying it ever since.  I remind Annika all the time that there were children who were not selected to be in Celebrity Actors Camp.  She was.  I remind her that even though we could only afford the first of 4 levels of training, some children who were in level 4 were not picked-up by an Agent.  I remind her that her distinct Talents have created these opportunities for her and that no one else has the exact same gifts as her.  We are all completely unique.

Annika is thankful to Model Club Inc for sending her on auditions in Boston.  We are more than delighted for having made friends and met many amazing professionals in the Industry who we will work with on future projects.  It is wonderful to have these experiences and more.  I feel thankful to be a part of it all.  My path was taking me in a different direction and for the time being is primarily focused on her.  But life is too good to be sad!  And so we live to tryout another day, and that is all we can do.  We wish our readers all the best on their endeavors.  Remember where you have come from and how each step you take brings you a bit closer to your dream.  Count those blessings and most importantly- Never EVER give up!

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