So now, on the brink of May, I am considering where we have been and what has changed over the course of April. It has been quite a ride. The first week of April Annika went for an Audition and also had her photos re-shot to create a Modelling CompCard. It came out great. Here is the shot:
The actual Photo Shoot, with our photographer, RDP Photography of Boston, had a major impact on our turn of events. As my daughter's Manager, I have many roles to play and hats to wear. I juggle and balance the responsibilities of my own Home Business(es) and the scheduling and needs of my daughter's Acting/Modeling Career. So meeting this professional photographer was one new way to create our professional community..the one that surrounds Annika's World. I was pleased to see that Andrew from Model Club became a fan on Annika's Facebook Page. As April progressed there were personal situations that arose to complicate my progress, but nothing hindered Annika. In Mid April, Annika and her friend, Gregory Sundstrom began an Improv Class together on Tuesday nights at the Artists Exchange in Cranston. Their instructor is Rich Morra. Each week, Annika and Gregory go with his Mom because I am busy with the daycare. It seems beneficial to have this light practice each week to keep her sharp. From what Gregory's Mother Linda tells me, Annika is a fierce Actor who gets right into character.
Now that I have started seeing Annika from the eyes of a Mother and through the eyes of a camera lens, I see her potential in this field of work. We had relatives from Pennsylvania in town over Easter weekend and she is a great photographer too. She captured a few wonderful images of Annika. I am going to include them here:
Photos Courtesy of Amanda VanGyzen
On May 1st, 2011 (tomorrow), Annika will assist me in my first Event Created and Produced in collaboration with my close friend Melissa Randall. I have invited Annika and her Auntie Beth to be models and find ways to assist and support the Sales Environment. I know Annika can do this, in fact, she can do more. Last September during a fundraising event for my Brother's Scholarship Fund, She created signs and set herself up at a small table to "read people's Moods" using a mood ring she purchased at the dollar store. At first it was grandmother said she should ask for money so we made her a sign offerring the service for 25 cents. People came and gave her a dollar each time. 3 people even came back and told me that her readings about them were accurate. When we got home to count her money, she had earned $25!
This just goes to show how ingenuity and confidence will produce the best results. Annika believes in herself. She does not struggle with much self-doubt. She is also kind. She wishes to use the fame and fortune she may earn to support community programs and even the government. She wants to use her money to make others' lives better...and so she will!
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